Weighting Selection

Select:  17% ¦ W. Weighting of characters: Text R ¦ e 15% ¦ l ¦ a 14% ¦ t ¦ i 12% ¦ v ¦  e 10% ¦  ¦  w 9% ¦  e ¦  i 7% ¦  g ¦  h 5% ¦  t ¦  i 4% ¦  n ¦  g 2% ¦  ¦  EANRIOSTDHM*+,./0123456789=?BCFGJKLPQUVWXYZ Select options or press ESC to return to main menu

Figure 9. Weighting Selection Menu

The Weighting selections session allows the graphical display of characters by frequency of occurrence for the selected weighting. It also permits the student or instructor to set his own weightings to emphasize particular characters within the text sent.

The (W)eight key selects different frequency patterns of sending of characters and displays the result graphically. The graphical display is useful in helping the student visualize the effect of weighting on the frequency of transmission.

Weightings allow the student to control repetition percentages of characters to stress those that require more practice. Each time the key is pressed one of following four options is successively selected and graphically displayed:

    Random    - the character weight will be random (each character having    
                the same probability of being sent).                          
    Text      - the character weight approximates that of English text
                with the vowels occurring more frequently.  (This will cause
                the average speed to increase since these characters are
                short in Morse code.)
    History   - the characters missed during the last complete Receive Game
                will be sent more frequently.                                 
    Student's - the character weight set by the student will be used to       
                control the frequency of selection.                           

When the Student's option is selected, three additional functions are provided to allow setting character weightings. These are:

 (I)nitialize - sets character weightings equal so all characters have an
                equal chance of being selected, i.e. random selection.

 (+)          - requests the input of characters whose weightings are to be

 (-)          - requests the input of characters whose weightings are to be

The algorithm used to select weightings assumes the selected characters will be sent 67% of the time while the others being learned will occupy 33%. If only one character is selected it will be sent very frequently - two-thirds of time! If six characters are chosen then each will be sent 11% of the time and the remaining letters will be sent 33% of the time.

Weightings are displayed graphically so the student has a pictorial representation. The characters being learned are displayed as a bar graph showing the frequency of selection vertically by character horizontally.

ESC can be pressed while in (W)eighting edit mode to return to the sub-menu and again to return to the main menu.

By Joe Speroni